Monday, June 11, 2018


Communication is the most important skill today in this fast paced commercial and social world. If you have all the knowledge in the world and don’t know how to share it then it is of no use.

Communication is a compulsory skill for success and the faster children learn it the better. This will help him function better socially and intellectually.

The first 5 to 10 years are the time when the child picks up language quick, if at this early stage the child is taught communication and language, he will never forget it in his life.

iNTELLYJELLY kids magazine through its cartoons, stories and activities helps children develop this much needed skills

iNTELLYJELLY’s engaging stories and enchanting comic strips are loaded with phrases, idioms and rich vocabulary.

The stress is to engage the student and make him interested in linguistics. Once the inner urge arises the child will automatically develop good habits like reading and writing a diary.

Also with the help of complicated words, riddles and phrases the child learns where to use what words and becomes more intelligent and well read.

Good communication skills last a lifetime and an individual is greatly benefited throughout his life through them. Thus it becomes critical to hone these skills at an early age when the child is receptive and open.

Language and Vocabulary:

  • ·         Open New horizons
  • ·         Give wings to imagination
  • ·         Improve confidence
  • ·         Lead to success and happiness

Thus through these benefits the child gains tremendously as he grows up and engages with children his age and adults.

The through focus is to instill reading skills as a habit in the child so that he gets new visions and perspective and exposure which develops his EQ and his IQ.